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Gautam as Abhay Narula
Born in upper middle class of Bombay Suburbs, Abhay is bratty, quick witted, very independent and only child of his parents. He has an absolute belief in his ability to tackle any situation, though his lack of practical experience may contradict such a claim. He turns his charm on in a jiffy, eases his way out with a smile and makes people believe in him. He believes in loyalty and forms very strong bonds.

Nisha Kothari as Vasundhra Dave
Neighbor of Abhay comes from a similarly affluent background. Pretty and knows it, naïve and does not know it. Sweet natured and really does not mind Abhay pulling her leg. She tries to pay back in same coin and succeeds mainly because of unbelievable simplicity in her way of thinking. Has utmost belief is in her relation with Abhay and she has never tried to question it. She has a romantic streak in her and believes in chocolates and flowers.

Rajpal Yadav as Kay Jagtap Tiwari
A chameleon like conman who believes that he can con anyone at anytime, this belief leads to his downfall more often than not. His cons are swashbuckling and his appearance in constant makeover. He tries to reinvent himself into a new character everyday. What he does not know yet is that it is cagier to con him than him conning anyone else.

Kay Kay Menon as Nagesh Rao
Through years of his service serving justice he has lost out on his sense of right and wrong. There is deep seated bitterness and resentment that his honesty and ability has not been recognized or rewarded. A ticking time bomb and he is about to change his tracks.

Ravi Kale as Arjun Patil
From son of a primary school teacher in rural Chandarpur to Chief Minister of Maharashtra it has been long and arduous journey for Arjun Patil. Now he has got the power and he would do anything to keep it. He knows the art of politics and understands the culpability of power.
Discretion is second nature to him and backstabbing a habit which he has developed through his meteorically rise in power.

Sherveer Shereyar Vakil as T. S. Ranganathan
Ranga is a gun for hire, he has been in service for Arjun Patil for quiet a few years and he has a grudge that his loyalty has never been rewarded. Simple minded and very dangerous, he is not really pursued by logic or morality.

Tow lovers, Abhay & Vasu run away from home, little realizing that they will run into a whole bunch of colourful characters including: a rogue cop, a mean killer, a crafty conman and a chief minister who kills his own deputy. As the stakes get higher and the chase picks up, it’s up to Abhay to save the day. It’s a racy story which constantly collides with heady action, super scares and compelling humor. It’s a full speed entertainment right from the word GO!


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